Mystery Shop Reports


A mystery shopping report is vitally important to empowering management with information for course correction to drive location performance.

SeeLevel HX focuses on 3 critical areas on page one: CleanlinessSimplicity and Actionable Information. Managers can quickly view information on the first page and know exactly what is happening at any of their locations.

Each subsequent page of the mystery shopping report delivers an easy read for your team. You can rest assured that a quick assessment can be made of all the questions and how the shopper answered. Qualitative data, from the narrative comments associated with the shop, is delivered in the same easy format. This focus on actionable intelligence allows your management to make decisions that maximize performance.

A SeeLevel HX mystery shopping report sample can be seen below:

If you’re a restaurant, bank, QSR, home improvement retailer, clothing retailer, car dealership, manufacturer, real estate conglomerate, or any organization looking to have quality photographs added to your mystery shopping reports, contact us today.